SAMA IT Governance Regulation
SAMA IT Governance Regulation
M42 Solution Matrix
The Saudi Central Bank("SAMA") has established an Information Technology Governance
Framework ("the Framework") to assist organizations regulated by SAMA ("the Member Organizations") in effectively identifying and mitigating IT risks.
The framework will be used toassess the maturity level and effectiveness of IT controls at Member Organizations on a regular basis. The framework is founded on SAMA requirements
as well as industry IT standards.
To assist organizations that havealready acquired or have one or more matrix42 solutions, we created the matrix below to help you understand the element relationship between the SAMA ITGV and Matrix42 Solution.
The framework's implementation atthe Organizations will be subject to a periodic self-assessment. The Member Organizations will conduct the self-assessment using a questionnaire.
SAMA will review and audit the self-assessments to determine the Member Organizations' level of compliance with the framework and IT maturity.
In order to meet the maturity matrix requirements, we offerthe SAMA IT Governance maturity program as part of our offering.
- Structured and Formalized
Processes Engineering anddocumentation
Define IT Controls andPolicies
Define and Assign Roles andResponsibilities
SAMA ITGV Workshops - Managed and Measurable
Help implement the ITControls and Policies
Outsource Engineers andConsultants
Help in the SAMA ITGVSelf-Assessment based on International Standards - Adaptive
Processes Engineering anddocumentation
Define IT Controls andPolicies
Define and Assign Roles andResponsibilities
SAMA ITGV Workshops
Help implement the ITControls and Policies
Outsource Engineers andConsultants
Help in the SAMA ITGVSelf-Assessment based on International Standards
Periodical Improvement forPolicies, Processes, Tools, and Reporting